Roy Sarkin is well known and respected in the jewellery industry.
Growing up in Johannesburg Roy had only one goal – to become a vet. However, there was a hitch he could not speak Afrikaans well enough. He studied and studied and wrote the exams several times. It was all to no avail though, as Onderstepoort would not accept him unless he passed his Afrikaans exam. South Africa lost a potentially great vet, simple because he didn’t speak a particular language.
Quite disillusioned Roy then went to work for his jeweller Uncle , Sidersky in 1968. His uncle had been urging Roy to do an apprenticeship with him, because he was good with his hands and would have a great future.
He had been overseas and travelling around in a Kombi, making jewellery along the way. He’d spent 13 months in Europe. After a few months when he got back he decided to start out on his own. For the last twenty - one years Roy has been making exquisite jewellery pieces that sell all over the world.